Live, online learning

To better meet our students’ needs, Princeton Centre of Learning has developed a unique method of studying, incorporating both online lessons and in-class teaching.

These online lessons are taught across our branches, and students working from home can also log onto these lessons.

Parents of senior students (generally grades 11 and 12) can customise a study package that suits their children’s needs in terms of the split between online and in-class lessons.

Senior students, therefore, have optionality and can study either from home or school on whatever days suit them. This option is not available to students in Grades 9 and lower, as all lessons are given in class by qualified teachers.

All online lessons are presented via Zoom from within our classrooms and recorded for students to access at any time in the future for revision.

In addition to these online lessons, we provide tailored study notes on Google Classroom to assist students with specific areas of learning.